《挤痘大师 Dr Pimple Popper》第1-9季纪录片解说素材百度云盘下载 1080P全90集中字 MKV/175G

《挤痘大师 Dr Pimple Popper》第1-9季

《挤痘大师 Dr Pimple Popper》第1-9季

怪病医治纪录片《挤痘大师 Dr Pimple Popper》桑德拉·李医生是南加州的一名权威认证的皮肤科医生,大多数人都称其为 Pimple Popper 医生(痘博士)。在从事外科治疗包块的工作长达15年之久。为许多患者皮肤不同部位的各种肿块和囊肿做根治,包括MOHS手术、肉毒杆菌手术、疤痕疙瘩去除术、耳部手术、黑头去除术等,并在全国享有盛誉。

《挤痘大师》在片中真实还原了桑德拉·李医生通过仔细询问和近距离体检来诊断肿块的病理,并检查癌症或基因突变的危重迹象,同时努力让病人保持冷静和舒适。 只有等她制定了计划后,她的医疗助理团队才能开始准备注射器、手术刀,而且整个手术过程也几乎被拍摄下来。

桑德拉·李医生在全球将近有1000万粉丝,每次手术完成之后,经过患者的同意,她都会把手术过程制作成科普视频,分享给粉丝。因为人们也非常乐意关注了解自己的皮肤,为什么会出现这些增生,如何去除它们。此外许多 Dr. Pimple Popper 的粉丝可能本身就是医生、私人助理、护士、美容师和其他皮肤护理专业人士——他们业对她的内容感兴趣,把它们当作教科书一样学习。不过更多的人则是为了观看视频,放松解压一下心情。

《挤痘大师 Dr Pimple Popper》第一季目录

S01E01 The Lipoma Whisperer
S01E02 The World s Largest Lump
S01E03 This Cyst Persists
S01E04 The Curious Case of the Pooting Cyst
S01E05 A Lipoma Jackpot
S01E06 An American Tail

《挤痘大师 Dr.Pimple Popper》第二季目录

S02E01 Nose No Bounds
S02E02 Tumor Takeover
S02E03 The Last Unicorn
S02E04 Sisters Lumpity Lump Lump
S02E05 Every Rosacea Has Its Thorn
S02E06 Popping Popeye
S02E07 Scared Cyst-less
S02E08 A Lipoma is Born
S02E09 Mic Drop Pop!
S02E10 Runaway Bump

《挤痘大师 Dr.Pimple Popper》第三季目录

S03E01 Sleepless in Steatocystoma
S03E02 The Incredible Shrinking Lipoma
S03E03 Hips Don t Lie
S03E04 Romancing the Lump
S03E101 This is Zit
S03E102 This is Zit

《挤痘大师 Dr.Pimple Popper》第四季目录

S04E01 The Record-breaking Lump!
S04E02 peh-DUN-kyoo-LAY-ted
S04E03 Eggs Lipoma
S04E04 Adventures in Pimplepopping
S04E05 Dr Lee Nose Best!
S04E06 Warning Cystem Shutdown!

《挤痘大师 Dr.Pimple Popper》第五季目录

S05E01 Leave It to Nevus
S05E02 Big Pop on Campus
S05E03 Cystic River
S05E04 Don t Sweat It!
S05E05 Pain in the Neck
S05E06 Cyster, Cyster
S05E07 Split Decision
S05E08 The Fault in Our Scars
S05E09 Comedone Sail Away
S05E10 A Spoonful of Cyst

《挤痘大师 Dr.Pimple Popper》第六季目录

S06E01 My Giant Nose Is Killing Me
S06E02 The Lipoma Psychic
S06E03 Thick-Skinned
S06E04 Numbing Nevus
S06E05 Driving Miss Lumpy
S06E06 The Exorcyst
S06E07 Shoulder Boulder
S06E08 Brain Pimple
S06E09 Alligator Skin
S06E101 A Pimple Carol
S06E10 My Third Eye

《挤痘大师 Dr.Pimple Popper》第七季目录

S07E01 Love in Lumpy Places
S07E02 The Incredible Bulk
S07E03 Raw Meat Mass
S07E04 The Never-Ending Keloids
S07E05 Cyst Pits
S07E06 Hard Knot Life
S07E07 Ear s in Trouble!
S07E08 Three Times a Keloid
S07E09 Scarry Scarry Night
S07E10 My Brainlike Bump

《挤痘大师 Dr.Pimple Popper》第八季目录

S08E01 Booty and the Beach
S08E02 Poop! (There It Is)
S08E03 Do Iguanas Get Pimples Too
S08E04 Alligator Arms
S08E05 Motley Cyst
S08E06 A Head of Cauliflower Bumps
S08E07 The Wind Beneath My Nose Bumps
S101E01 Dr Pimple Popper
S101E02 The 12 Pops of Christmas

《挤痘大师 Dr Pimple Popper》第九季目录

S09E01 Holy Cyst
S09E02 Nevus and Bump-Head
S09E03 Cyst Over Troubled Water
S09E04 Ear Brain
S09E05 Bumpshakalaka
S09E06 Plum Nose
S09E07 Pig Snout
S09E08 Amputation Deliberation
S09E09 Zombie Skin
S09E10 Leaky Legs
S09E11 My Demon Bumps
S09E12 Troop Lipoma Hills
S09E13 Monster in the Mirror
S09E14 Keloid-Con
S09E15 Veiny Balloons
S09E16 Scaly Mermaid Skin
S09E17 Crazy, Stupid, Lump
S09E18 California Bumpin
S09E19 Quadripple Nipple
S09E20 Tales from the Cyst

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